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トップページ > アーカイブス > No.2(1999)20.Analysis of gatheringball shape in the glass blowing process

No.2(1999)20.Analysis of gatheringball shape in the glass blowing process

印刷用ページを表示する 更新日:2016年12月19日更新


Toshio KUJI and Seiji MATSUMARU

This paper describes the analysis and the design of the shape of the egg-shaped gathering ball in the glass blowing process. The number of samples was 13, made by a skilled worker. As a result of drawing a ball shape with 3D-CAD, the shape of ball comprises 2 or 3 circular arc. There is a logarithmic relation between the gathering weight and dimensions of each ball, and there is a linear relation between the gathering weight and the volume of the ball. Using the results of these analyses, the design method of the gathering ball is proposed.


Glass, Blow, Glass blowing, Gathering, Skilled work, Automation, Robot,CAD


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