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トップページ > アーカイブス > No.2(1999)17.Standardization of barrierfree design elements for elderly people

No.2(1999)17.Standardization of barrierfree design elements for elderly people

印刷用ページを表示する 更新日:2016年12月19日更新


Izumi MIYOSHI and Kimihiko KANAYA

This present study examined barrier-free design elements which should be referred to in the design process of products . From 700 market items which were easy for elderly to use, the 200 barrier-free design elements were extracted which gave careful consideration to the elderly. The barrier-free design elements were analyzed, and were made to correspond with a four-step design development process. Also the need of standardization of each barrier-free design element was examined . These results were put together in "barrier-free design element list for universal design".


aged society, industrial design, barrier-free, universal design


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