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トップページ > 研究報告 > No.11(2016)2.Building a mobile robot navigation framework with RT-middleware

No.11(2016)2.Building a mobile robot navigation framework with RT-middleware

印刷用ページを表示する 更新日:2016年12月19日更新


Akinori Sasaki,Takayuki Nakasho,Keiko Shiozawa,Kazuhiro Sakashita,Masayuki Murakami,Toshiki Masuda,Yusuke Morita,Yusuke Kobayashi

  This paper describes the development of a navigation framework for mobile robots. The navigation framework is designed for a mobile robot base developed in TIRI. The framework is based on RT-middleware, which allows developers to make software components interoperable among various computing platforms. Such interoperability makes it easy to perform prototyping related to service robot applications.


Mobile robots, Navigation, RT-middleware


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